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Life can be very adventurous

Posted by admin On August - 17 - 2008

This Sunday I got up early at 5:00am because I wanted to be able to catch whatever bus in the morning to explore Vancouver Island. But I was not sure weather to go to Tofino or to Cambell River. I thought it would be a good idea to ask at the hostel desk for advice. So I asked the guy what he would recommend and if he could call the hostels over there for a reservation for a few nights. But surprisingly the guy was very very unfriendly!!! He said everything is booked out elsewhere and he even ask me if I consider to go back to Vancouver. The island would be nothing for me he explained. Indians looking like you and me and nobody goes for whales. Canadians leave their whales by themselves. OK… weird. I was really upset. This Victoria hostel seems to be one of the worst of my whole travels so far. I didn’t know what to do. So I took my heavy backpack and went down to the bus terminal. I bought a ticket and the girl behind the desk said that the bus will leave at 7:00am. “Oh good, that’s in 10min.” I thought. Two minutes after 7:00am I went back to her and ask again. She said the bus already left. I was shocked: “What the hell are you doing here. Its your job to call the people when the bus leaves!!!” I answered. “You just reading your yellow press magazine. And that’s not what you are paid for!” She only said:” Whatever, the next bus leaves at 8:00am.” So here I am at 7:00am in the morning on my way back to Vancouver…. But I needed to talk to someone…so I started to talk to another bus person of Greyhound. He told me that she is very bad and many people complain. And he offered me to show the beautiful island because so far I wasn’t very impressed and i thought Vancouver Island is just overrated. I said I would like to see more but I will never go back to that hostel and everything else is booked out. So the guy Scott said I could pick him up at 1:00pm. He is for one week of because of holidays. So I thought why not, I didn’t see so much of the island so far. Until 1:00pm I visited the Royal British Columbia Museum (RBCM). They have a quite good native Indian collection over there.

The Royal BC Museum:

At 1:00pm I picked up Scott. He told me he is a twin and even has twin sisters and his wife is a twin too. How funny is that?! Its probably easier to win in a lottery… His friend Mark called him and ask for going fishing. So we met in the afternoon and went out on the ocean. The weather was windy and rainy. There was even lightening and the air was so electrified that our hair was electrified too…That looked very funny. We put the two cages down for crabs and that we caught so many. I guess about 50!!! They never had so many in just two cages. But you only take males with a certain seize and only 4 each person with a licence. The sex you see on the bottom of the crab. For the seize your meassure them. That was so much fun. In the evening we prepared them. Its a little bit of work but they taste delecious.

atenolol no prescription Crab fishing:

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