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Back at the Big Apple

Posted by Susanna On September - 30 - 2010

Let the new adventure start. And yes it was an adventure right from the beginning. After getting up around 5am I was dropped off at Berlin TXL airport. I decided to be more than early – just in case and because I wanted to declare the cameras for my trip at the customs. To be honest that wasn’t working because of the German way of things. The customs wanted me to show some papers / bills what says that these items belong to me. But I simply didn’t have them because I didn’t buy all of them and I didn’t knew. Anyhow I will be fine. Later while waiting for my first connection flight to Dusseldorf what had more than 1h delay I met first Timo and later Patrick from Hawaii. So I actually had some nice conversation while waiting for ages. Fortunately my second flight was waiting because too many people had connection flights to the US. But again, while sitting at the plane to NYC one passenger had the crazy idea not to fly out of a sudden. So the plane had to stop just because of that traveler and they needed to find his baggage what took them over an hour again! Then we lost our starting slot and had to wait again. Finally we left. Meanwhile I was so tired that I just simply wanted to sleep! And so I did. When I woke up they had put a new neighbor next to me that is a successful German artist who lives for years in the Big Apple. We started a conversation and this one lasted until we arrived in JFK airport. I have to say this guy Clemens actually could talk even more than me! But all very entertaining so time was passing by quickly. We took the train and I took another bus to find the place I wanted to stay couchsurfing. A girl accompanied me and showed me the way to the building where I finally arrived. My host Anthony lives at the 39th level and the view is great. Maybe not as great as it could be if it wasn’t raining. But still impressing. Actually I am not even the only couchsurfer at his place at the moment. Another girl from Lithuania stays at his place already since a few days.

I took this snapshot while sitting in the train to Manhattan… Typical NYC!
Look closer… Can you tell me what is wrong?

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2 Responses to “Back at the Big Apple”

  1. Charles Michel says:

    Kein Fehler im Bild – ein neuer Trend entsteht…. 😉

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“Just living is not enough... One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”
by Hans Christian Andersen


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