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Archive for the ‘Sights’ Category

The Ringling Park

Posted by Susanna On February - 15 - 2011

Meanwhile I left Orlando. Todd another friend of mine had picked me up and we went to visit his friends Lathrop and Andrew and their family in Sarasota in Florida. I never had heard of that city before and was surprised how nice it was. Even more – Sarasota and the surrounding area has so much to offer! Since Todd and I wanted to do photos of a lot of things. Turns out we really cannot decide what first. Yesterday I was just relaxing and doing some workout and Pilates with Lathrop but today I took first photos of the Ringling Park (This time we were too late for entering the museum.) and a Sandhill Crane and a Tricolored Heron. For bird watcher Florida has a lot to offer.

Ringling Mansion and Park

Rose Garden

Sandhill Crane and  Tricolored Heron

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Orlando Skyline

Posted by Susanna On February - 11 - 2011

Travis got a white tomcat called india cipro Ghost which is very much worth taking pictures of… This cat is smart and just appeared one day and stayed ever since.
To show you at least a little bit of Orlando here the skyline at sunset… The fountain was broken for years my friends told me but now its back to its beauty. Orlando’s skyline might be not as famous as NYC or LA but it is certainly nice to look at. Enjoy!

Ghost the cat

Orlando skyline

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Blue Springs

Posted by Susanna On February - 9 - 2011

Since yesterday I am in Orlando at friend Travis place. He lives at a lake which is nice but right now it is so freezing. I feel the temperature difference since I came from the south so much. Today I had to get up fairly early around 5:30am so I could observe the manatees at Blue Springs. It was amazing kind of magical as the mist rose from the warmer spring river which was crystal clear. Everywhere trees from which moss hangs down. I never had seen that before only in Florida so far. The gentle giants moved slowly in the water. Alone or mothers and their calves. From November trough March they rather stay in the warmer spring area than at the colder waters of the St. Johns River. I noticed the some of the manatee had scars from boats on their back which is the biggest threat for them. Still I can’t wait until I will finally snorkel with them. So far I had only heard that that is possible in Crystal river and who knows for how long since some stupid people tease and hurt these animals for fun while snorkeling. Very sad and I hope these people start very soon to learn how to live in respect with our brothers the animals on that one given earth. While watching them I noticed a few bald eagles on the other side of the river. This was a very new experience. I had never ever seen these majestic birds in their natural habitat before. Beautiful…
On the way back to the house we Travis showed me the ‘Senator tree’ known to be the oldest in Florida and one of the oldest in North America. It stood there with it”s sister tree ‘Lady Liberty’ more than 2000years! Imagine what these trees had experienced. They used to be landmarks for the native Americans and the senator had survived a hurricane which had taken off a big part of its original seize. But still they were impressive.
“As of 1993, The Senator is estimated to be 3,400-3,500 years old, the 5th oldest tree in the world. The tree’s volume had previously been estimated at 4,300 cubic feet (120 m), but a 2006 survey by Will Blozan of the Native Tree Society has measured the volume at well over 5,100 cubic feet (140 m), making The Senator not only the largest Bald Cypress in the United States, but also the largest tree of any species east of the Mississippi River.”
I love old trees.
Latest after that I felt already a bit sick and a migraine… And after visiting some friends of Travis I went straight for a 15hours sleep… Just needed it!

Blue Springs

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Orlando bulldogs

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Butterfly Garden Key West

Posted by Susanna On February - 5 - 2011

There is a butterfly garden in Key West as well and since I love butterflies I needed to go… Everywhere hundreds of butterflies and some tiny birds. It is a wonderful place and at the belonging shop they even restore butterflies so you could hang them in your room. My friends had given me that big butterfly in Ecuador but it was not good enough for being restored. Too bad….

Butterfly Garden Key West


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Key West

Posted by Susanna On February - 4 - 2011

After a few days in Miami mostly fixing my laptop and external hard disc problems we went to Key West. It is the most southern tip of Florida and the US.  It has been a long drive yesterday and we arrived today early in the morning. It was crazy almost every hotel is booked out. Key West seems to be a hot spot in the states and I have to admit – I love this place. It has so many lovely restored historical houses and nice little shops and galleries. Hemingway had lived here for years with his second wife (her uncle bought them a house over here) and he had breed Six-toed cats which descendants you can still see relaxing at the house. I love the Audubon gallery where I got an original print as a gift. Audubon was probably the most famous bird drawer in the late 18th / early 19th century. I got even a book of him at home since the drawings / prints are so amazing. Basically they are as good as photographs since they had no cameras back then. Jon and I had met two crazy guys from around Boston and we went to a cruise around the keys in the evening.

candian phamcy Key West

Hemingway House

Sunset Cruise

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The Butterfly Effect

Posted by Susanna On January - 30 - 2011

After a long exhausting day I arrived yesterday in San José the capital of Costa Rica. I just wanted to spend one day over here but since it is weekend many things were closed. On my search for an ATM machine I met two American men who had stayed here for longer. We started chatting and since I was on the way to the butterfly place (As you might guess – I love butterflies.) they joined me. The Spirogyra Butterfly Garden is worth a visit. All over you can see the most beautiful insects flying around… After the visit we all went to a very great dinner. Thanks Rick for the invitation!

Spirogyra Butterfly Garden

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Pura Vida in Costa Rica

Posted by Susanna On January - 22 - 2011

After border crossing yesterday this was my first day in Costa Rica. Since I don’t have much time (10days) until my flight to Miami I just want to spend as much time as possible at a nice spot not traveling in buses. So I had heard of the Corcovado National Park supposedly the area with the highest biodiversity on earth. At least this is what National Geographic said. I am staying at ‘The Corner – La Isquina’ hostel with Ronnie and his family. They were excellent people and my friend and I could even cook in their kitchen. Later Ronnie went with us to the swamps for feeding the crocodiles. It was like at Isla Parida feeding the caymans. Most crocodiles were similar seize but one was massive. Another small one missed already a part of its tail, a leg, an eye and looked totally scared over. We observed as well various types of birds. Since it was still raining there was not as much time to explore outside.

Puerto Jiminez Crocodiles

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Boquete Flower Show

Posted by Susanna On January - 18 - 2011

Leaving Isla Parida feels like awaking of the best dream you ever had! It was such an amazing time so even the Flower and Coffee Show in Boquete can not top that. The show happens once a year in the beginning of January. It is mainly about flowers since I haven’t seen any coffee. But very pretty flowers. It is interesting if you in that area but not as exiting as I would have expected… For the Panamanian people mostly the fiesta at night is the big happening.



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Leaving paradise

Posted by Susanna On January - 17 - 2011

Is it possible to live after being in such an amazing place? I guess. But Isla Parida is probably one of the most beautiful islands… Just a few impressions before leaving around 7am. So far this was one of the best weekends of this trip!

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More Macaws…

Posted by Susanna On January - 16 - 2011

Parida is such an amazing place – I do not even know what to do first! First Michelle introduced all the parrots and macaws. All are individuals with their own personality. On Parida living five different types of  macaws: The Green -Winged Macaw (biggest of all macaws) , the Scarlett Macaw, the Blue and Gold Macaws, Buffon Macaws and the Hyacinth Macaw. The native macaws like the Scarlett Macaw and the Buffon Macaw will be released at the island. Michelle she told me that they chose their mate and two couples of Scarlett macaws swap partner and are happily ever since.
Only the real rare Hyacinth macaw mates for life and if he loses its partner it will stay alone until death. Hyacinth macaws having the hardest beak of all macaws. They are even able to crack the hard shells of coconuts and macadamia nuts!
One of the macaw couple is even mixed a green and a red one – but they love each other.  Michelle got beautiful parrots and macaws on her own. Her favorite is the pretty Hyacinth ‘Precious’. Later I explored the island, slept for about 1h at the beach.

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About Me

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”
by Marcus Aurelius


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