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The dark side of ‘Fiji time’

Posted by admin On July - 29 - 2006

This Saturday should be the day of the shark feeding in Pacific Harbour. You can’t imagine how excited I was. Its the best shark feeding of the world and you see heaps of different sharks very close. The more I was disappointed after we got up early in the morning that there will be no shark feeding for us today…Why?!? Just let me explain it with Fiji time. Fijian people are relaxed – sometimes too relaxed… So it happened that the shark feeding boat, a predator, was supposed to be fixed by somebody. But this person never appeared so nobody fixed the boat. And they had not noticed that until today morning…s**t! Never mind. The next shark feeding will be not before Monday! I hope Glenn will stay with me that long… Glenn and I visited together with Andy and Cat Suva the capital of Fiji. It was a very busy Saturday and I was not anymore used to this stress around me… So after walking the whole city I was quite happy when we found a DVD shop where Glenn selected DVD´s and I checked my emails (first time after three weeks – heaps of spam).



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“Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”
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